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Perspective Plan

(2016 – 2021)

The All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Pune was established in 1997 with a view of imparting education in Hotel Management & Catering Technology, for developing students with knowledge of Hospitality Industry. The AISSMS College of HMCT has completed 20 years of fruitful existence, and has ambitious plans for future development. The college is committed to excel in the field of Hospitality education, by moulding the students from all cross sections of the society and enhancing their skills to meet the challenges of the dynamic business environment.

We are pleased to present a Perspective Plan for the next five years which is narrated in three parts as follows:

  • Academic Plans
  • Infrastructural Plans
  • Administrative Plans

The plan is an outcome of the detailed deliberation of the Principal and the Staff.

AISSMS College of HMCT is approved by AICTE, recognized by DTE and affiliated to University of Pune. It is also ISO 9001-2000 certified since 2004 and 9001-2008 certified since 2010. The college is also NAAC accredited Grade “A” since May 2015.


  • Strengthening the teaching learning process: The College has been on a continual path of improvement in the teaching and learning process. Introduction of choice based credit system for all the courses is required to align the education system with the global education standards. The College proposes to take advantage of the industry expertise to strengthen the choice based credit system and eventually move towards autonomy for the college. The College also proposes to continually evolve the process and introduce innovative ways to increase the effectiveness of the system. The College also believes in going beyond the curriculum and ensuring that the students are exposed to the actual industry operations.
  • Promoting Research: The College will promote research by encouraging faculty to undertake individual research and pursue a doctoral research degree as well as publish research papers in refereed national and international journal having a good impact factor. The College will also work towards undertaking research projects for the Industry. The research journal “Atithya – A Journal of Hospitality” in its nascent stage, is a step taken towards promoting Research in Hospitality by inviting quality research papers from across the country. The College also motivates the students to take up research especially in molecular gastronomy and convenience foods which is capturing the current market trends in a big way. As a step in that direction, the college has created the basic infrastructure for the molecular gastronomy research and have signed a MOU with “Suhana Masale” for sensory evaluation of their range of convenience foods.
  • Introduction of short courses under skills development schemes of the state and central Government: The hotel industry is reeling under shortage of manpower and the gap between supply and demand for manpower is drastically increasing by the day. On the other hand, unemployment figures are rising every year. The College aspires to introduce skills based short courses in hospitality under the various schemes offered by the state and the central government.
  •  Consortium of Hospitality Education: The College will take the initiatives to create a common platform for hospitality educators to exchange ideas, and to undertake research programmes and publications.  This body will work towards updating the curriculum, ways of teaching beyond the syllabus and knowledge management.
  • International Linkages: With globalization at a fast pace, it is imperative that the College establishes international linkages by collaborating with International Hospitality Schools and Universities for joint certifications, students and faculty exchanges programmes as well as organizing internship programmes for students in the International Market, thus helping them develop skills and competence required in the global market. This will open up the employment scenario for the students. Currently the college has a MOU with Global Education Management Pvt. Ltd for training and internships of our students abroad.  The college intends to extend this collaboration to include students and faculty exchange programmes.
  • E-learning center: In order to supplement the curricular education, and to deliver contents beyond syllabus, the College will develop an e- learning center by creating modules based on the topics in the syllabus and with supplementary discussions and literature related to the topic. The center will update the contents developed by faculty on a continual basis. This will enable easy access of information pertaining to the subject and peripheral topics to the students at a “mouse click”. The college aspires to strengthen its current online examination module with periodic updation through this centre.
  • Consultancy Services: The College has in the past offered consultancies to the Industry in the areas of product development, standardizing operations, workshops for training industry employees, kitchen designing and menu merchandising, conduct of quality audits etc.  and enjoys an excellent rapport with the various hospitality companies. The College will build on this experience to offers its expertise in consultancy for new companies and hospitality firms. The college intends to approach the industry to join hands with them in undertaking joint research and development activities like conduct of market surveys for new ventures, menu merchandizing etc.
  • E-Library: The College will work towards strengthening their e-library with addition of       e-books and e-journals related to the field of hospitality & tourism, information technology, hotel engineering, environmental issues, management and research. The library continue to be equipped with audio visual aids to support the curriculum and to deliver contents beyond syllabus.Looking for the best deals on replica watches? Our online store offers the “The Best Price Noob Replica Rolex Watches On The Official Website”! Explore our collection sourced directly from the wholesale noob factory. Quality replicas at unbeatable prices, only for you.
  • Faculty Development: This has been one of the important objectives of the college. In order to provide an atmosphere for continual improvement and development of faculty and to keep them abreast with the latest trends in the hospitality industry, the college encourages and will continue to do so by inspiring participation of teachers in refresher training in renowned star hotels, in specialized areas of their interest. The faculty will also continue to participate in seminars, workshops, conferences in order to enhance their knowledge. Higher studies among the faculty will be promoted to help them to enhance their academic qualifications. The college will initiate a formation of a Forum consisting of industry professionals and academia for each department to exchange of information knowledge and current trends.
  • Training and Placement Cell: The T&P Cell of the college has been actively contributing to career advancement and enhancement of technical skills. The college proposes to strengthen the cell by imparting training opportunities to students on a global level in Hospitality with training and placement related collaborations with renowned and reliable international agencies.


The campus of AISSMS College of HMCT is spread over 7 acres and consists of 2 buildings. The College proposes to increase the Infrastructure to meet the needs of increasing intake of the students and enabling introduction of new courses. The College will also ensure that adequate budgets are allocated for enhancement and maintenance of the infrastructure along with purchase of new equipment to match the current industry trends. The College will also purchase application soft wares that are currently used by the hotel industry, so that the students are well versed with the technique thereby making the teaching – learning process more effective.



Administration is a vital support for the smooth functioning of any educational College. In order to improve the overall efficiency of administration, the office and accounting procedures have been computerized. In order to bring out administrative professionalism, the college proposes to organize periodical training sessions in accounts keeping, legal matters, correspondence skills, computerized based office work and public relations. The College also proposes to recruit more manpower in the administrative department.

Since it’s inception in 1997, AISSMS’CHMCT believed in continual improvement it its operations and has tirelessly planned its development and growth on a regular basis. It has successfully executed the plans at all three levels of Academic, Infrastructural and Administrative. This perspective plan aims at raising the bar for providing quality education and creating a new benchmark in hospitality education.