Published Books

Sr. No. Name of the teacher Title of the book Title of the Chapter Title of the proceedings of the conference Name of the conference National / International Year of publication  ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Name of the publisher
1 Dr. Sonali Jadhav & Catherine Lobo Basic Frence Course for the Hotel Industry, Ed.3 National 2012 Tanay Enterprises, Pune
2 Dr. Manoj Suryawanshi & Dr. Neeta Baporikar Emerging trends in Business Case Study Perspectives Pune Forts as a Youth Tourist Destination : A Case Study Emerging Trends in Business ICBM’s 5th International Case Conference International 2016 978-93-85777-76-9 Excel Publication, ICBM School of Excellence, Hyderabad
3 Dr. Rasika Gumaste, Dr.Shefali Joshi Rooms Division Techniques National 2018 978-93-5299-382-6 Himalaya Publishing House
4 Dr. Manoj Suryawanshi & Dr. Girija Shankar Rethinking Business in Digital Era A Case Study Approach Sustainable Development and Management of Forts Tourism: Pune City Rethinking Business in Digital Era ICBM’s National Conference on Management Research 2018 National 2018 978-93-88237-36-9 Excel Publication , ICBM School of Excellence, Hyderabad
5 Dr. Sonali Jadhav Training and Development Strategies for Employees in Hotel Industry International 2019 978-620-0-32385-9 Lambert Academic Publishing, Mauritius
6 Dr. Arun Sherkar A Study of Employee Behaviour and its Impact on Consumer Perception International 2019 978-613-9-99671-1 Lambert Academic Publishing, Mauritius
7 Dr. Hemraj Patil Principles of Management International 2019 978-620-0-031234-1 Lambert Academic Publishing, Mauritius
8 Dr. Rasika Gumaste Principles of Management National 2019 978-93-5367-479-3 Himalaya Publishing House
9 Dr. Honey Tyagi & Dr. Arati Prabhu Basic Rooms Division National 2019 9789353675059 Himalaya Publishing House